Tommorow Fleur is performing in Paradiso! Yeah I'm so excited! She's be the support act of the Avett Brothers.
But for now, I'm feeling like a dried out tea bag and really lazy... My throat is killing me and I really can't get out of my swingchair.... Except for cookies. Cookies are by far, always the best remedy. But maybe later.
This week I started on my assignment that is called "What do you believe?".
My plan is to make photo's of people who are praying. For starters, I asked my downstairs neighbour to pose for me, and she was happy to do it :) She's 90 years old, can you believe that!?
And I finished another assignment: the urban twilight photo... whooo spooky...
The sun is shining! And I can't get up... Tragedy.
Mais bon, à bientôt!